The fact that Eclipse can now also handle modern Maven archetypes that use Groovy and parameter validations is of course not only of benefit to Faktor-IPS users, but also to many other people who use Faktor-IPS. In this way, we are giving something back to the open source community from which we have long benefited.
Faktor Zehn sponsort Eclipse-Entwicklung
Over the years, many bugs and problems have been fixed in Eclipse and we are happy to see small and large improvements with every new release.
Faktor Zehn sponsors Eclipse development
We have always used the Eclipse development environment for the development of and as the basis for Faktor-IPS. Over the years, many bugs and problems have been fixed in Eclipse and we are happy about small and large improvements with every new release. But as it usually is, there are always small problems that need to be discovered and fixed sooner or later. For a few of these outstanding problems, which were particularly relevant for us, we were able to win over the open source developer Christoph Läubrich, who is involved in the development of several Eclipse projects.
Thanks to his adaptations to Eclipse Tycho and PDE, we can build our Faktor-IPS more user-friendly and manage dependencies outside of P2 update sites more easily – here he describes the foundations on which we have built, a presentation will be given at the upcoming EclipseCon.
The most interesting development for our customers, however, is the long-lost support for modern Maven archetypes in Eclipse m2e (see bug 514993 and issues 249 and 799). Finally, our Faktor-IPS archetype can be used not only on the command line but also directly in Eclipse. With the 2022-09 release of Eclipse, anyone can now try this out for themselves: File -> New -> Project… -> Maven -> Maven Project
Then type ‘faktorips’ when selecting the archetype and select the latest faktorips-maven-archetype:

The basic parameters for the new project to be created can then be entered on the next page:

Finally, a few derived parameters are queried in the Eclipse console and confirmed with the keyboard: