ProTect goes live with new partner system Faktor-IBP

ProTect has reached another milestone in the modernization of its IT application landscape by replacing the management of its customer data from the mainframe.


Category: Project updates

ProTect goes live with new partner system Faktor-IBP
from the Faktor Zehn Suite

Düsseldorf, March 04, 2022 – ProTect has reached another milestone in the modernization of its IT application landscape by replacing the management of its customer data from the mainframe. Since the end of February, it has been managing it de-centrally with the newly introduced Faktor-IBP partner system from Faktor Zehn GmbH using state-of-the-art technologies. With this move, ProTect has now gone live with another component of the Faktor Zehn Suite, having already successfully switched its policy management to Faktor-IPM, claims management to Faktor-ICS and offer and quotation management to Faktor-IOS.

‘With the Faktor-IBP partner system, we have introduced the connecting building blocks of the Faktor Zehn Suite and have benefited from the integrated, user-friendly processes from day one. Our clerks navigate between objects via the 360-degree customer view without noticing system boundaries. Whether they first create a participant and then the contract or claim, or vice versa: the suite supports all variants,’

-says Norbert Kalb, Head of Operations.

With Faktor-IBP, ProTect is perfectly equipped for the future and can now manage all communication channels, account details and payment methods, both nationally and internationally.

‘We were also convinced by Faktor-IBP’s integration options. We were able to use the standard interfaces to connect our existing address and bank details verification services. On the other hand, we replicated the partner data in the legacy partner system for a transitional period until all conversion systems could be connected to Faktor-IBP. This meant that we did not have to convert all back office routes directly with the go-live. With the standard REST interfaces of Faktor-IBP, this was so easy that we were already able to significantly simplify our shadow application processing,’

-adds Norbert Kalb.

About ProTect

The focus of ProTect lies on the design of innovative and fair product solutions for financing and payment protection. Especially in connection with payment obligations from financing or other regular obligations, the loss of income from work can in the worst case, become a threat to existence. However, this can also result in a particular
economic burden for lenders if the general economic situation leads to increased payment defaults. In order to be able to offer customers and partners effective protection in such difficult situations, ProTect sees itself not as a supplier of standardized products, but as a developer of individual and holistic coverage concepts and product solutions. This ensures that customers receive comprehensive insurance protection tailored to their individual needs in the event of loss of income. By taking customer specific requirements into account, it is ensured that the holistic insurance solutions are tailor-made.

ProTect website

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