Ready for the future with SUNRISE

The core of the new IT platform is the Faktor Zehn Suite. More than 500,000 existing contracts and 300,000 claims were migrated into it in course of the go-live.


Category: Project updates

Union Reiseversicherung successfully rebuilds its IT platform

Munich, July 20, 2023. Union Reiseversicherung (URV, a german travel insurer of public insurers and savings banks) has successfully migrated its entire business and put into operations a new modern IT platform based on the Faktor Zehn Suite within the scope of Project SUNRISE. The new digital system equips URV perfectly for the future. The advantages: in cooperation with travel agencies, innovative travel business models can be implemented efficiently and travel insurances can be integrated into other service offerings (embedded insurance). In addition, new product and service offerings tailored to customer profiles can be made available quickly.

With SUNRISE, we have succeeded with the transformation and integration into the system environment of Union Reiseversicherung. We are realizing shorter product development cycles and adapting even better to the needs of our customers and sales partners. At the same time, we are creating a basis for further automation and are very well positioned for the future and the development of the digital space in travel insurance,”

says Katharina Jessel, member of the Board of Management of Union Reiseversicherung.

The core of the new IT platform is the Faktor Zehn Suite. More than 500,000 existing contracts and 300,000 claims were migrated into it in course of the go-live. Since April 2023, contracts from agencies, travel agents and other sources have been created fully automatically in real time in the new policy management system. The Faktor Zehn claims system (Faktor-ICS) will process all claims efficiently using automatically the existing contract data.

The Faktor Zehn components were connected to the existing systems and ensure integration with the system landscape of the group. As a result, further synergies can be leveraged on group level.

We would like to thank the project team of URV as well as the project management of acterience management partners GmbH & Co.KG for the successful cooperation within the joint project.

Find more information about our claims system here

Our claims system supports the entire claims handling process and accelerates it through highly automated process steps such as coverage verification. In the event of a claim, you and your customers benefit from the future-proof architecture for digital business models as well as fast and flexible services.


About Union Reiseversicherung

URV – Union Reiseversicherung was founded in December 2001. Together with Bayerische Beamtenkrankenkasse and Union Krankenversicherung, it is part of Consal associated company. Consal is managed by the Versicherungskammer Group. As a company of the public insurers, Consal is integrated into the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. URV offers all important travel insurances.

For more information on URV, please visit:


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