Fit for the future
As an independent and modern financial services provider, the WWK Lebensversicherung a.G. decided in 2019 to completely replace its mainframe system within an ambitious timeframe of approximately 4 years

WWK Allgemeine Versicherung successfully replaces its mainframe-based claims and policy system for non-life business
After a 3-year project period, with a highly motivated internal project team and a strong partner, WWK Allgemeine Versicherung has replaced its mainframe solution in the non-life business with the Faktor-ICS claims system and the Faktor-IPM policy system from Faktor Zehn.
As an independent and modern financial services provider, the WWK Lebensversicherung a.G. decided in 2019 to completely replace its mainframe system within an ambitious timeframe of approximately 4 years and at the same time to make the IT-application landscape fit for the future. As part of this major project, a partner was sought who could offer WWK Allgemeine Versicherung both, the software and the associated services for the replacement of parts of the old non-life mainframe solution, all from a single source.
After just 11 months, WWK was able to go live with the Faktor-ICS claims system in the household segment. The conversion of the other business lines to Faktor-ICS and the introduction of the Faktor-IPM policy system for commercial business and for the private customer business lines household, building and glass were also successfully implemented in the further course of the project. In parallel, the migration of the existing business is being worked on. The migration of the approximately 200,000 contracts into IPM is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
The policy and claims system by Faktor Zehn allow to manage complex processes simply and efficiently. In addition to a very high degree of automation in the claims management processes, the user-friendly software and the integration of service provider control in claims processing are further highlights of the new system landscape.
Dr. Henri Siemens, Head of IT at WWK, said (translated):
‘With the use of Faktor Zehn’s components in the non-life business, we have managed to convert parts of our old mainframe-based non-life in-house development to standard software. The components from Faktor Zehn fit seamlessly into our IT application landscape, which is geared towards future viability. A very important criteria in our decision in favor of Faktor Zehn was the fact that we could obtain both technically and professionally convincing software and the associated services from a single source, from experienced specialists who speak our language and thus quickly understand our problems and challenges, and who could then provide us with active and solution-oriented support’.
Hedwig Süß, project manager at WWK said (translated):
‘The success of the project within the tight timeframe speaks for itself. This was made possible, among other things, by the excellent teamwork together with the Faktor Zehn project team. We developed a very close partnership, which is highly praised by all those involved on the part of both Faktor Zehn and WWK.’
About WWK
The WWK Versicherungsgruppe is an independent and modern financial service provider. In terms of business volume, the core company, WWK-Lebensversicherung a.G., is one of the German life insurers with the strongest substance and equity. For decades, it has been one of the market leaders in unit-linked life insurance. WWK Allgemeine Versicherung AG is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group. As an experienced non-life insurer, it has been a reliable partner for all private and commercial customers for many years.
Further information about WWK can be found at: